CEO/Creative Lead
Maurice worked for Apple Computer for 11 years as a Systems Engineer and Regional Manager. As the youngest field manager at Apple, Maurice built the San Diego Apple Regional Sales Office in the early 1990’s and then built the Apple Hawaii sales office a few years after. He later became the National Media Technologies Specialist for the Apple U.S. sales team. Maurice left Apple in 1994 briefly where he helped to build one of the larger royalty free stock photography companies, which was later purchased by Bill Gates and Corbis Media in the late 90s. He then went on to help build the digital production team of a prominent Hollywood/LA design firm, and after that, went on to build the sales team for a video compression company in San Diego.
In 1991, Maurice created Digital Creations, a boutique marketing firm based in South Orange County, CA. His company specializes in technical marketing, corporate image, website design, photography, videography and digital design work.
For 6 years, from 1996 to 2002, Maurice managed and produced the staging and built the presentations for all of Apple’s major U.S. and many international trade shows, where he wrote stage presentations for Apple product introductions and wrote many of Steve Jobs’ keynote speeches. Maurice and his staff were part of the opening production crew the first 11 Apple Computer retail stores, creating and directing the stage presentations in the stores and their theaters, as well as staff sales training. He also produced show stages and presentations for such companies as Sony, Kodak, Disney, Adobe, General Magic, Vignette and many others. Maurice also spent several years doing “Advance” work and site planning for the Vice President of the U.S. in the late 1980′s/early 1990′s on the West Coast of the U.S. where he planned and coordinated visits of the U.S. Vice President and staff to California.
In 2018, Maurice and 3 partners formed a training and e-learning company called Learning Means Business ( where they combined many years of talent and industry experience to build a company that specializes in training development, instructional design, performance consulting, project management and many other disciplines in business development. Taking on clients like Rogers Telecom in Canada, Maurice and his team developed and executed the online and field training for over 1,100 retail cellular stores. Other clients included Target, Paris Jewelers, Honda North America, True Religion, Quick Silver and many other small to large companies.
Today, Maurice is a business development and marketing specialist using his skills as a professional photographer and videographer, as well as a website designer and S.E.O. specialist. Maurice builds and manages over 50 corporate websites and business presences, and photographs and maintains the sites for exotic hotels in Europe, the Caribbean and the U.S. Maurice also shoots auto photography and videography for major car manufacturers, magazines and
You can visit Maurice’s photography site,